sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

Using Django 1.4 with Eclipse (Part 2 Creating the Models)

I switched to WordPress. My new blog is at luiscberocal.wordpress.com. Part 3 of is at http://wp.me/p1JIuD-3F

This is part 2 of our tutorial on how to use Django with Eclipse. On Using Django 1.4 with Eclipse (Part 1 Configuration) we discussed how to configure Eclipse to work with Django and VirtualEnv.

On Part 2 we'll see how to create a model and synchronize it to the database.

The source code for this tutorial is hosted at https://github.com/luiscberrocal/django_eclipse_tutorial
I'm creating a tag for each part,  the tag for part 2 is https://github.com/luiscberrocal/django_eclipse_tutorial/zipball/Part_02_Creating_the_Models

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